
Individuals Families Others Own charts
Total individuals: 283
Total males Total females Total living Total dead
150 133 198 85
Males [53%], Females [47%] Living [70%], Dead [30%]

Total births Total deaths
166 32
Births by century Deaths by century
Births by century Deaths by century
Earliest birth Earliest death
This information is private and cannot be shown. This information is private and cannot be shown.
Latest birth Latest death
This information is private and cannot be shown. This information is private and cannot be shown.

Average age at death Males Females
65 years 51 years 83 years
Average age related to death century

Top age at death
Males Females

Total surnames Total given names
75 196
Top surnames Top given names
MARMION - 57, Other - 226 Marie - 8, Jean - 7, François - 6, Jacques - 6, Louise - 5, René - 5, Suzanne - 5, Other - 241